nimble bubble’s Feedback Training Center


We practice feedback skills together

A modular program, whether virtual or in-person, to propel your organizational feedback culture


Among our clients:


Discover the training program


Spaced Learning

As a team, you will complete one or more training workshops (in person or virtually), which are followed by weeks of practice in your daily life. The learning is thus much more anchored (at nimble Bbbble, we don't believe in returning to everyday life as a changed person after just one training!) because you will give your brain the chance to absorb them more easily and apply them in your reality.

Practical Approach

Micro-content is highlighted in each of these workshops to allow participants to learn through action. You will thus be encouraged to engage in individual reflections, paired in exchange dyads, engaged in moments of practice, and invited to complete challenges in your daily life.

Program Modularity

The training program is modular based on your organizational objectives. To create the winning formula for your team, you can therefore choose from the following (contact us to get all the details):

  • Workshop: Choose the number of workshops (between 1 and 4) you want based on the topics of interest

  • Training: Add a training period after each workshop to consolidate learning

  • Coaching: Offer your team a bank of personalized coaching hours after the training program


Choose your modular program


Workshop 1

Asking for and Welcoming Feedback


  • Asking for feedback is the ability to formulate a request for feedback that is aligned with one’s development goals. Welcoming feedback, on the other hand, is the ability to encourage others’ contributions while warmly respecting their perspective.

Skills Developed

  • Formulate clear and precise requests for feedback, specifying the objectives and areas on which feedback is sought

  • Know how to welcome reactions from the people providing feedback, as well as their possible reservations

  • Develop the ability to understand and take on board the viewpoints of others and to integrate the feedback received


Workshop 2

Receiving Feedback, Taking Ownership and Action


  • Receiving feedback is the ability to collaborate with the person providing feedback in order to take ownership of it and co-create a plan to act on the feedback in a motivated way.

Skills Developed

  • Maintain a professional attitude by learning to manage emotions related to feedback received

  • Adopt an active and engaged mindset by asking questions to clarify feedback and understand its impact in order to progress in one’s work

  • Create a self-determined plan by implementing actions to improve one’s skills or performance


Workshop 3

Giving Improvement Feedback


  • Giving improvement feedback is the ability to adopt a partnership approach to address necessary adjustments and help others improve and achieve their goals, while ensuring that this does not undermine their sense of personal effectiveness.

Skills Developed

  • Formulate constructive feedback daily in a clear, respectful, and motivating way that allows for real-time adjustments (instead of putting off difficult conversations for later)

  • Practice giving feedback in a teamwork situation to achieve a common goal

  • Use a simple model to initiate future-oriented feedback conversations on a daily basis, rather than dwelling on past mistakes


Workshop 4

Giving Positive Feedback


  • Giving positive and motivating feedback is the ability to identify, describe, and promote a person’s desirable behaviours when they perform well so that they can self-evaluate, feel competent, and repeat the same actions in the future.

Skills Developed

  • Formulate daily positive feedback in a clear, precise, and authentic way that increases others’ sense of competence

  • Recognize the achievements and successes of others to effectively highlight them

  • Use a simple model to initiate daily feedback conversations that reinforce and encourage motivation, as well as desired behaviours and performance


Validate the compatibility


This training program is for your team if it aims to:

  • Put human-centered feedback at the heart of its daily life

  • Involve every team member in creating an organizational feedback culture

  • Create a motivating and optimal work environment

  • Make empathy and positive leadership a common practice in the organization

  • Equip themselves with compassionate and courageous tools for continuously offering constructive and positive feedback


Meet the facilitators


A facilitator is present for each learning activity. The choice of facilitator is based on schedule and availability. There may be a rotation of facilitators within a program. Our three facilitators are certified trainers accredited by the Commission des Partenaires du Marché du Travail.


Joëlle Sarrailh, M.Sc.,ACC

Sophie Gadoury, M.Sc.

Geneviève Rousseau, BAA


Accredited Training Organization

Note that nimble bubble is a training organization accredited by the Commission des partenaires du marché du travail for the purposes of the application of the 1% Training Law to promote the development and recognition of workforce skills (#0060378).


© nimble bubble 2024